Rack Plating

Rack Plating

Rack plating is a specialist plating method that is perfect for electroplating fragile and complex parts and it is also ideal for large components that would not fit in a barrel. It produces a high-quality finish and is the desired plating method for many industries. We provide professional rack plating services and can custom make specially designed racks to meet your specific needs. To find out more or arrange a free quote, please contact us.

Rack plating of larger metal machine pieces

Our Rack Plating Services

Our team have the expertise and knowledge to recommend the best plating methods based on your needs. At our metal treatment plant, we have a large 48″ rack line, and combined with our barrel zinc lines, we offer an overall capacity of approximately 30 tonnes per day. As a result, we offer a fast turnaround complete with collection and delivery services.

Rack plating offers the perfect alternative to barrel plating for parts that may suffer from tumbling in the barrel plating process. Components are attached to the plating rack to ensure they stay fixed during the plating process. This method maintains electrical contact with the parts, positions the components appropriately to achieve specified thickness and quality requirements, and optimises throughput.

Custom Plating Racks

If required, we can design custom plating racks to meet your specific requirements. Our engineers have extensive experience in meeting bespoke needs, so speak to us to find out about our custom service.

Contact Ionic Metal Treatments

To enquire about our rack plating services, please get in touch. Our plating plant in Birmingham is fully equipped to meet all client requirements, so call us to discuss your needs.